Today was such a gloomy day. We thought, what better a task then to attempt to be housewives and whip up some treats. Originally we had planned a post lunch nap, and then one craving led to the next and we were off to the kitchen!

WELL- our idea started off with the intentions of making crumb cake. Once we realized we had no yellow/white cake mix we decided to improvise with what we had (since it was raining and wewere far too tired a.k.a lazy to leave the house). It turned out that all we had was a box of brownie mixand devils food cake mix. UHHH... yeah. We then desperately decided to not only use brownie mix asthe base but then add the devils food cake on top of it (brilliant, right?). SOOO-- wecrossedour fingers (painted our nails/toes) and hoped for the best! hahaha.
taaa DAAAAA! Turned out just as expected!! We then drizzled it with raspberry (our fav), powdered sugar and served it with raspberry dark choc chip Breyers ice cream (REALLY our FAV!). sooooo delish.. reminded us to keep up with our instincts. & of course the whole family approved as well ;)
Happy Tuesday Ya'll.. beijinhos
That looks bloody delicious! Nom nom nommm....